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Wellness and Preventative Services

What’s one of the most important ways to keep your pets healthy? Regular physical exams!

Regular check-ups are as important for your pet as they are for you! Routine exams help us monitor your pet’s overall health and are essential in identifying issues before they become serious. We recommend you bring your puppy or kitten in for a physical exam as early as possible, even if they are not due for vaccinations yet. At the appropriate time, we will start their vaccination program, heartworm and/or flea preventative, and check for intestinal parasites. Adult pets should have a full examination every year. Senior pets should have one every 6 months. Prevention assures the best quality of life for your pet—and costs less than treatment.

Our Wellness and Preventative Measures Include:
  • Puppy Program
  • Kitten Program
  • Canine Preventative Healthcare
  • Feline Preventative Healthcare
  • Nutritional and Weight Control Counseling
  • Behavioral Counseling
  • Microchip ID Tagging
  • Prescription Canine and Feline Diets

Preventative Healthcare

Our Preventative Healthcare recommendations offer important wellness measures-standard protocols to ensure your pet’s current and future health.

In general, Preventative Healthcare includes a comprehensive physical examination by a veterinarian, quick and simple tests to rule out dangerous parasites, and needed immunizations.

Puppy Program

Healthy Puppy Recommendations

Our puppy recommendations are designed to give your new youngsters optimum protection from disease and parasites that can be life-threatening. When we meet your new addition, we will customize a plan for your puppy based on the puppy’s age and any previous vaccines he/she has received.

  • Physical Examination by a Doctor at each visit to the hospital DHP Vaccination (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo Virus) starting at 6-8 weeks of age and receiving a booster vaccine every 3-4 weeks until the puppy is 16-20 weeks old.
  • Rabies Vaccination
  • Bordetella Vaccination (kennel cough)
  • Leptospirosis vaccine series depending on lifestyle risk factors
  • Deworming (to eliminate intestinal parasites)
  • Intestinal Parasite Screening by analysis of stool sample
  • Begin Heartworm and Intestinal Parasite Prevention
  • Begin Flea Control/Prevention
  • Spay or Neuter: At 5-6 months of age (as a general recommendation, although exceptions exist)

Kitten Program

Healthy Kitten Recommendations

Our kitten recommendations are designed to give your new youngsters optimum protection from disease and parasites that can be life-threatening. When we meet your new addition, we will customize a plan for your kitten based on the kitten’s age and any previous vaccines he/she has received.

  • Physical Examination by a Doctor at each visit to the hospital
  • FeLV/FIV Test (Feline Leukemia Virus/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus): Recommended when a new kitten is acquired.
  • FVRCP Vaccination (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia): starting at 6-8 weeks of age and receiving a booster vaccine every 3-4 weeks until the kitten is 16-20 weeks old
  • FeLV Vaccination: Initial vaccine and a booster vaccine 3-4 weeks later
  • Rabies Vaccination
  • Deworming (to eliminate intestinal parasites)
  • Intestinal Parasite Screening by analysis of stool sample
  • Begin Heartworm, Intestinal Parasite, and/or Flea Prevention
  • Spay or Neuter: At 5-6 months of age (as a general recommendation, although exceptions exist)

Canine Preventative Healthcare

Canine Preventative Healthcare Includes:
  • A comprehensive physical exam by a veterinarian
  • Heartworm/Ehrlichia/Lyme/Anaplasma disease test
  • Intestinal parasite check by stool analysis
  • +/- DHP vaccination (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo), depending on the 3-year rotation
  • +/- Rabies vaccination, depending on the 3-year rotation

Additional vaccinations may be recommended for dogs based on their exposure to other dogs, wildlife, and/or environment.

Feline Preventative Healthcare

Feline Preventative Healthcare Includes:
  • A comprehensive physical exam by a veterinarian
  • Intestinal parasite check by stool analysis
  • +/- FVRCP vaccination (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia), depending on 3-year rotation
  • For cats that have access to the outdoors, we recommend adding FeLV vaccination (Feline Leukemia virus) annually
  • Feline 1-year Rabies vaccination

At Campbell Park Animal Hospital, we are proud to have achieved a “Cat Friendly Practice” designation by the American Association of Feline Practitioners.