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Daycare Release

  • 1. I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my pet(s) while my pet(s) are attending Campbell Park Animal Hospital daycare.

    2. I understand and agree that Campbell Park Animal Hospital is relying on my representation of my pet’s health and behavior including, but not limited to, showing aggression or threatening behavior toward any other person or pet, and that my pet(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behavior toward any person or any other pet. I further understand and agree Campbell Park Animal Hospital, Inc. and their doctors and staff will not be liable for any problems that develop.

    3. I understand and agree that reasonable care and precautions are followed, Campbell Park Animal Hospital will not be held responsible for injuries to my pet arising from my pet’s attendance and their participation at Campbell Park Animal Hospital, Inc. daycare and I release them of any liability whatsoever.

    4. I understand and agree that any medical emergency that develops with my pet(s) will be treated as deemed best by Campbell Park Animal Hospital doctors and staff, at their sole discretion, and that I will assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.

    5. I understand and agree to provide proof of current vaccinations (Rabies, DHP/P, and Bordetella) and a negative intestinal parasite test result. If my pet’s vaccinations are found to be expired or otherwise incomplete, Campbell Park Animal Hospital has the right to refuse service until current proof is provided.

    Although we watch all dogs carefully, and DO NOT take aggressive dogs, daycare can be hazardous due to multiple dogs playing together. We cannot be responsible for injuries occurring while the dogs are playing.
  • Name of Owner
  • It is the owner’s responsibility to inform Campbell Park Animal Hospital of any existing health conditions or any new health conditions as they are identified. On admission, all dogs must be free from any conditions which could potentially jeopardize other dogs. Dogs who have been ill with a communicable disease in the last 30 day s will require veterinary certification of health to be admitted or re-admitted.